Under credits you will find find people we would like to thank. Under sources you will find the picture and text sources. Logos and images are trademarked by their respective companies.
This page is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). This means you can copy, distribute, adapt and transmit the work, even commercially, if you attribute the work and distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.
This project uses jQuery, which is released under the MIT License and the design is largely built upon Groundfloor and Brass-Tacks(no license known); though heavily rewritten by LumenTeun.
As you might have seen already, We use disqus for the comments. Sorry about that. If anyone has a alternative suggestion, please contact us.
If you have any questions contact us under ibr...@repat.de, on Twitter under @ibreakinfo or on Facebook.